6 Things To Help You Make Critical Changes In Your Life

6 Things To Help You Make Critical Changes In Your Life

For those that are serious about making changes in your life, here are 6 things to consider. Things I’ve done and hold myself accountable to.

1. – Nothing changes … if nothing changes. If you are praying for better, be sure to commit to it first. We have to stop asking God to commit to things we won’t even get out of bed for. 🤦🏾‍♂️
2. – Be serious about your finances. This is a must. You don’t have to make a million a year to live well. It’s all about how you take care of what you get now. Just like you search everything else up…make sure this is one of those things too. I try to provide as many resources as I can for people…just ask or stay connected.
3.- Get stronger. In this day and time that can be offensive to others. And that’s the problem. We would rather nurse our situations and cuddle them vs getting through them. Yes some things take time…I’m not talking about rushing…but at some point you should start making progress, unless you just like the attention and having an excuse for being lazy. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Dont @ me on this…we all have to live by it. Either we going or we staying. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️
4.- Dont worry about being perfect. The thing about being perfect is that none of us can relate to it…because none of us are perfect. Trying to be perfect will slow you down and cause you much frustration. Focus on progress over perfection.
5. – Embrace being uncomfortable for what YOU said you want. You see me posting pictures of myself? That’s me being uncomfortable. I hate pictures…I hate video…I don’t know what I’m supposed to do when it’s time to take pictures…it feels weird…but yet…here we are 😬 lol…but I’m doing this intentionally for a reason.
6. – Stop worrying about what errrryone thinks. We have to stop trading in our happiness for like counts on a status or post.
I’ll stop there… 2020 will be just like 2018 and 2019 if real action and progress isn’t made. Prayer is great. Affirmations are great…but it don’t work well if we not putting action to these things. Praying and worrying and doing the opposite of what you prayed for leads to zero movement.
You can’t say no one told you now. Let’s go! 💪🏾

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